Customer Support

Six photos featuring Level Seven commercial cleaning workers, and two of the properties they clean

About Us

We’re a team with integrity.

We know it when we see it in the people we choose to hire. They’re motivated to do their best at work and in their community.

What’s in a name? Level Seven’s name is about our commitment to deliver a higher level of clean, a higher level of service, and a higher level of reliability. When customers hire us, they learn pretty quickly that we deliver on the promise.

Level Seven’s goal is to identify and solve problems for our clients before they even exist. Problem solved.

Graphic illustration of a hand holding a squeegee, and the words "Problem Solved"
Photo of a Level Seven worker in an orange shirt, cleaning a stadium with other workers visible in the background

Exceptional service is in our DNA.  The whole Level Seven team is committed to the idea that excellence is its own reward. Founder Steven Tomlinson learned this principle from his dad, and made it a fundamental part of his new company. We have always sought workers who feel the same way.

"My dad taught me to always do what you say you’re going to do.

And if you’re going to take the time to do something at all—do it right."

Here’s what drives us. 

As a company, we are clear about values. They are what makes Level Seven what it is…

Photo of 4 Level Seven workers cleaning up at a stadium
Photo of six employees of Level Seven holding signs that read "Your wish is coming true"

We serve companies, yes, but communities, too.  A core value of Level Seven is involvement in enhancing our community and helping the people who live here. As a company, and as individuals, we contribute time and effort to Rainbow Village, the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and the Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce.

The reason we do this. Partner Dave Hollister put it best: “We want to do something meaningful. You can do anything to make a living but when you put your heart and soul into what you spend most of your day doing, both you and your customers are rewarded.”

“When you put your heart and soul into your work, both you and your customers are rewarded.”

Dave Hollister, Managing Partner

Photo of Dave Hollister, Managing Partner of Level Seven Facilities Services


We make your job easier.

We manage the process. We handle it all—including spotting potential problems and fixing them before you even know about them.

We continually improve process and technology.

Our team is always aware of your property and our work. They use data to monitor their own performance for accountability. 

We keep to the highest health and safety guidelines.

We meet or exceed all regulations. We quickly adapt processes in response to outbreaks or other changes. Learn more.

We’re Atlanta based.

Our management is hands-on. The whole Level Seven team is dedicated to superior service and we’re always in close touch with our customers. Learn more.